About me
I am a postdoctoral fellow at the department of Electromechanical, systems and metal engineering at Ghent University, Belgium since 2021. The fellowship is funded by the Special Research Fund. I obtained my PhD from the same university in april 2021.
My main research interest is investigating how nonlinear passive and active control can benefit vibration control, energy harvesting and stability. By exploiting nonlinear dynamics, energy can be transferred between frequencies (’internal resonance’), unstable behavior can be counteracted, and vibration and noise energy can be quickly transferred. I have experience in both investigating nonlinear phenomenology and in designing, building and testing mechanical and piezoelectrical vibration controllers.
This website bundles my research output, ranging from papers, code to talks and blogposts. Please use the email and social media buttons on the right (pc) or the ‘follow’ (mobile) button to contact me.